When you head out to your vehicle after it's been parked and notice oil leaking underneath it, that's something to have looked at right away. Oil leaks mean your oil level is probably low, and r...
When you start your vehicle’s engine, there’s another motor that makes that whole process possible. It’s called the starter, and it’s a small electric motor that gets you...
Brrrr. It's cold outside. And if your vehicle's heater isn't working, then it's cold inside too. No fun – and potentially dangerous: heat is needed to defrost your windshield.&...
Distracted driving causes a lot of motor vehicle accidents. Well, according to one study, twice as many are caused by people not using their turn signals.
Drivers have a lot of excu...
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Have you ever thought about all the little things we do to keep our lives running smoothly - like vacuuming? It makes a room feel fresher and more comfortable. We may not consider...
Do you know what gas makes up 20.9% of the air we breathe? It's oxygen. Oxygen is an important part of the combustion process that enables your engine to make power. The amount of ox...
Modern vehicles usually have four wheels, a steering wheel, and an engine, just as they have for decades. But an awful lot has changed since the days of carburetors and drum brakes. The ad...
When the cold weather rolls around and the first slippery days confront drivers, it's tempting to say, "I need an all-wheel-drive or four-wheel-drive vehicle to deal with the weather." Well, may...